Heidelberg University considers itself a family-friendly institution. Since 2010, it has been certified with the family-friendly university audit (Audit Familiengerechte Hochschule). Since 2018, the University has also been a member of Familien in der Hochschule e.V. (en. “The Society for Families at University”). Employees in academia and administration, as well as students, should be given the best possible support in balancing their work or studies with a family.
With KIDS, we contribute to making the reconciliation of family and work life a natural part of university culture. The idea arose as a cooperation initiative between the two partners, the STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence and the CRC 1225, ISOQUANT. The Parent-Child Offices are meant to provide parents with the uncomplicated option of taking their children “to the office” in the case of unexpected childcare issues and enable their children’s care in a family-friendly environment.

The STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence addresses questions about the formation, role, and detection of structures in a broad range of natural phenomena, from physics and cosmology to mathematics, computer and neuroscience.

The focus of CRC 1225, isolated quantum systems and universality in extreme conditions (ISOQUANT), is a research topic that is of great significance for a variety of applications – from particle physics and nuclear physics to atomic and solid-state physics.